SOLIDAR SUISSE, established back in 1936, is committed to achieving a socially, politically and economically just society by giving disadvantaged people a chance through professional training. The charity’s programme in Mozambique facilitates access to basic and advanced training for more than 400 young adults in the professions of construction, metal working and farming. The cooperation with SOLIDAR SUISSE is fully in line with one of the three core areas of the Julius Baer Foundation, namely Vocational Training (for further information, please refer to the box at the end of this article).

SOLIDAR SUISSE supports typically local professions in Mozambique, a country located in South-eastern Africa. In the countryside, most of the activities are related to agriculture, Jorge Lampião explains, whereas in urban areas, trades such as carpentry, wood- and metalworking, but also accounting are taught.

As Mozambique is a predominantly rural country, more than 70% of the workforce is employed in agriculture. Thanks to SOLIDAR SUISSE’s programme, young people learn to improve their farming expertise as well as the quantity and quality of their produce. The newly trained professionals then go back to teach others in their villages and sometimes even become entrepreneurs, providing employment to others. Apart from feeding themselves and their families, they sell their improved products also in big cities such as Maputo, the capital, or Beira.

Poverty, lack of education and political tensions as challenges

As Mozambique is a very poor country, education levels are low and illiteracy rates very high: roughly 50% of the people cannot read or write, with women being particularly affected. It is often difficult to overcome cultural traditions and explain to people the importance of a good education. On top of that, the country suffered political turmoil, and there was a time when SOLIDAR SUISSE’s representatives could not even visit their projects due to security concerns.

Individual success stories the most beautiful reward

Despite the working conditions in a difficult environment, Jorge Lampião likes his job and is proud of the trainees’ success to which his organisation can contribute. He recalls many positive moments, but is particularly fond of a young woman, who underwent SOLIDAR SUISSE’s vocational training courses, finished first in her agricultural school and received a prize. “That made me very happy,” he says. The success story ended with the young graduate going back to her district and assisting a cooperative with her expertise.
