The challenge

After waiting for a number of years for the right opportunity to come along, your company recently offered you a long-term assignment in one of your top-pick countries. You are thrilled by the prospect, and your partner and children are all on board and ready to embark on this adventure with you.

However, you know that taking this step would result in a whole range of far-reaching changes, and that you therefore need to be as well informed as possible before accepting the offer. This includes understanding the financial and tax implications of the move, as well as ensuring you are familiar with the local education system and housing situation.

You also want to ensure that if you do accept, you comply with all the applicable domestic and international laws, and take advantage of the opportunities available to you as an expat. In short, you need to plan very carefully and ensure the entire process goes as smoothly as possible for the entire family.

Our solution

With so many different aspects to consider, getting all the information and wealth planning advice you need can seem like a daunting task. That’s where we come in.

Our in-house experts will help you thoroughly assess your situation from a holistic wealth planning perspective, including tax, legal, and succession aspects. They will prepare an overview of factors you should consider before your potential move, and liaise with your existing professional advisers whenever necessary.

By working closely with our local external partners, Julius Baer will also support you in gaining a good understanding of the target location, including the general tax environment, legal system, immigration policy, and property market. Armed with all of this information, you will be able to more clearly assess the offer and make an informed decision about this important step.

The products and services offered depend on the domicile of the client and the legal entity of Julius Baer.