Ask anyone about the role of video games and you’ll likely hear ‘entertainment’. But what about as a form of ‘recruitainment’, both entertainment and recruitment – and by a bank, nonetheless? Julius Baer has become the first bank to use Roblox, the most-played videogame worldwide, to attract tech talent who are ready to shape the future of wealth management with us in our ‘Be Bär Challenge’.

And while Julius Baer may not be a tech company, it does have clients who expect an extraordinary niveau when it comes to their experience with the Bank, both in person and online. Nic Dreckmann, COO &  Head Intermediaries at Julius Baer, explains, “We are in the midst of a digital transformation in wealth management. This means investing not only in the technology – but the tech specialists behind it, from data science to software engineering, on all organisational levels.”

Introducing Roblox – and your customised avatar

And what better way to attract top tech talent, which in reality is scarce, than to launch a tailor-made video game? “We wanted to bring a ’Super Mario’ aspect into the banking world,” says Guido Ruoss, Global Head HR at Julius Baer, with a smile. The reason may not seem intuitive, but he explains: “Gaming requires curiosity, agility, and a drive to advance to the next level. And these skills are highly sought after in a banking environment.”

For many, Roblox will indeed evoke nostalgia for Mario and Luigi. “You create your own avatar in our 3D Julius Baer world," explains Guido. “The avatars can enter different rooms at our headquarters and complete four different levels, which not only teach players about who we are, but also about our purpose of creating value beyond wealth.”

Wanted: tech talent – with a human touch

Upon taking on the challenges – for which players can win small prizes – they are nudged to apply for a job at Julius Baer. And the roles to be filled are varied. “We specifically developed the game to target people with an affinity for logical, analytical, creative, and entrepreneurial thinking skills," explains Guido. “This is why we presented Roblox at the ETH MindPhair for tech students end of March, to not only receive valuable feedback from this target group, but also to potentially recruit them.”

The game also zeros in on the human touch in client service. “As a private bank that prides itself in relationship management, delivering high-quality and bespoke advice to clients is crucial,” adds Nic. “This requires not only data, but individuals who can transpose it into effective client messaging.”

Shaping the future of wealth management

It’s clear how Julius Baer benefits from recruiting tech talent, but what’s in it for the tech talent themselves? “Our entrepreneurial culture fosters ideas and innovation,” says Guido. “We are a small enough company to be agile and enable each employee to have a tangible impact. At the same time, we are big enough to provide global opportunities as well as sufficient financing for longer-term projects, which instills in our people a sense of security and motivation.”

And not only that – Julius Baer boasts state-of-the-art technology. “Our tech talent can develop their ideas using fresh-off-the-market technology,” says Nic. “We work with cloud technology and libraries with the latest infrastructure elements, allowing us to collaborate – and learn from both experts and one another – on a global scale.”

Interested in helping us shape the future of wealth management?

> Play the ‘Be Bär Challenge’ in Roblox

> Check out our current job openings in technology
