The table below provides information concerning the sell-side analysts currently providing research coverage on Julius Baer’s shares.

The list is updated regularly. While every effort is made to ensure that the information provided is accurate, Julius Baer does not warrant the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the names below and no liability shall be accepted in this respect. 

Any opinions, estimates or forecasts expressed by these analysts on Julius Baer are not opinions, estimates or forecasts of Julius Baer or its management. By providing the table below, Julius Baer does not imply its endorsement of or agreement with the information, conclusions or recommendations offered by these analysts.

Company Location Contact Contact details
Autonomous Research London Stefan Stalmann +44 20 7776 3443
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Barclays Mumbai Krishnendra Dubey +91 22 6175 1719
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BofA Securities London Hubert Lam +44 20 7996 7112
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CFRA Research Kuala Lumpur Firdaus Ibrahim +60 3 2284 6894
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Citi London Andrew Coombs +44 20 7986 4053
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Citi London Nicholas Herman +44 20 7986 4203
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Deutsche Bank Frankfurt Benjamin Goy +49 69 9103 1946
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Exane BNP Paribas London Jeremy Sigee +44 20 3430 8540
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HSBC London Piers Brown +44 20 3268 3158
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Jefferies London Tom Mills +44 20 7029 8478
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JP Morgan London Amit Ranjan +44 20 7134 4576
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JP Morgan London Kian Abouhossein +44 20 7134 4575
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Keefe, Bruyette & Woods London Thomas Hallett +44 20 7663 3231
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Kepler Cheuvreux London Nicolas Payen +44 20 7621 5128
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Mediobanca Securities Milan Gian Luca Ferrari +39 02 882 9482
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Morgan Stanley London Vishal Shah +44 20 7677 2743
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Octavian Zurich Anne-Chantal Risold +41 44 520 57 86
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RBC Capital Markets London Anke Reingen +44 20 7029 0784
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Redburn Atlantic London Nicholas Watts +44 20 7000 2187
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UBS Zurich Mate Nemes +41 44 239 1667
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Vontobel Zurich Andreas Venditti +41 58 283 5849
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ZKB Zurich Michael Klien +41 44 292 3387
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ZKB Zurich Daniel Regli +41 44 292 3533
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