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What exactly are private markets?

Private markets might seem relatively straightforward on paper: they are anything that doesn’t have the ability to be traded in the public domain.

In reality, they cover a broad, and broadening, base of sectors from real estate and private equity, to classic cars and wine. They have also evolved tremendously over the last few decades as an alternative to public equity investments.

How can you navigate these opportunities?

With investors and wealth managers increasingly searching for interesting opportunities outside of public markets, we asked Julius Baer’s CIO Yves Bonzon and private equity product specialist Simon Ibbitson to help us understand more about private markets, and discuss their upsides and downsides.

From what is driving the trend for private market investments and how it may continue, to the appeal for clients and role of wealth managers in these kind of investments, we cover these topics and more to offer the essential wealth insights on private markets. 

Listen to the full conversation between Yves, Simon, Emily, and John by using the player above – or follow the links to Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

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